TMCA's Outstanding Credentialed Mediator for 2019--Michael J. Schless
Michael J. Schless
TMCA’s Outstanding Credentialed Mediator for 2019
It’s one’s humanity that separates a great mediator from merely a good mediator, and Mike Schless wrote the book on how to be an exemplary human being—as spouse, friend, parent, grandparent, teacher, scholar and, if he has a weakness, as an absolutely awful punster.
Although he has achieved the highest status in each of his professions, as a judge, arbitrator, attorney, and mediator, perhaps his greatest achievement is that of mentor—just ask the students he has taken under his wing and encouraged, not just by words, but also by his deeds, to go forth and do great things. And, they have done so.
Those of us who are honored to call Mike a friend and colleague know him to be the type of human being who welcomes a request to be of help—whether that request comes from stranger in a caucus room or a decades-long in an early morning or late night phone call. Just ask. He’ll be there.
Mike exemplifies the ability make a connection as one human being to another so that, whatever the outcome, each feels he has been heard and his concerns addressed. And, Mike’s dedication to our profession and to TMCA is unquestionable. Without him, TMCA wouldn’t have a part of its soul, depth, or character.