TMCA's Outstanding Credentialed Mediator for 2024--Melanie E. Grimes

Melanie E. Grimes

TMCA’s Outstanding Credentialed Mediator for 2024

From Mike Schless, who presented this award to Melanie E. Grimes:


We all come to our mediation practices with our formal education, our professional experience, and our life lessons. Melanie certainly brings a wealth of those lessons to enrich her effectiveness as a mediator.

Through her participation in the More to Life Foundation, Melanie has completed and supported a broad variety of immersive personal development courses.

As a Texas Master Naturalist, she co-created and continues to champion her Chapter’s “What Kind of Naturalist Are You?” community connection materials, now also in Spanish.

As a member of the board of Mental Health America of Greater Dallas, Melanie works for the mental well-being of all members of her community.

And as a volunteer at her church, she brings joy to the holiday shopping experience by assembling fair trade “maker-to-market” goods for their two-day Global Village Market.

Our dear Melanie brings every positive adjective from Assiduous to Zealous to her work on our behalf at TMCA. The award we are bestowing on her is inscribed “Her Vitality, Ingenuity, Creativity, and Compassion Benefit Us All.”

This year marks the tenth time this award has been given to one exceptional professional among many deserving Texas mediators. All prior recipients have been attorneys. Being the true groundbreaker that she is, I am proud to say that Melanie Grimes is the first REAL PERSON to receive TMCA’s highest honor.